White Charlie Bio
White Charlie was created in 2004 by Designer Joseph Musarra. Joseph who had a tongue in cheek approach to fashion, adopted different ideas when introducing White Charlie to its now collective followers. Joseph's favourite color is white and favourite name is Charlie (smartly, Charlie can be interpreted as boy or girl which ties in perfectly) that’s how the name evolved.
Coming from a traditional Italian background Joseph learnt pattern making and sewing skills from his rag-trade father who was pattern maker for Stefford Ellison and Fletcher Jones. Joseph put his new found skills and love for fashion together, with an Italian influence yet Aussie at heart, and created his first ever range in 2004.
Bright, bold, cheeky but fun tees were instantly marketed to fashion lovers, and White Charlie was labelled an "Instant Success" from Fashion Journal magazine in the #72 issue. Following this the orders poured in and a new 'niche' market was developed. Rather than follow trends Joseph believes in creating them, Fluro was done very well by White Charlie in 2004, and continues to be a high end seller.
White Charlie is all
Following the success of Joseph's first range, demands grew and grew, and now White Charlie is stocked Australia wide, with plans to hit the International market and open its very own Flagship store right here in Melbourne soon.
Not only are the fashion concious fans of the label, but celebrities such as Seany B (tv rock), Broadie Holland, Sarita stellar , Adam Mcphee, Dan o'conner(neighbours), Ricki Lee, Tania Dioko, Stephanie Mcintosh, Anthony Callea, and Big Brother 06 winner Jamie Brooksby have all taken quite an interest in the label been spotted sporting the White Charlie label on there backs on several occasions or even appearing on tv or in one of the White Charlie parades.
05-06 saw the introduction of denim jeans for boys and girls, sexy sienna dresses, sassy chamisole tops for girls, suits for the boys and every other wardrobe staple you could think of, all with the unique Joseph flavour that is White Charlie.
With the success of two full house parades, White charlie launch party and the November 06 swimwear launch, White Charlie is with no doubt fast becoming one of
The White Charlie Store and showroom is opening in mid November located at 69 Grosvenor Street, South Yarra (Just off Chapel Street, near Kush).